Thursday, July 18, 2013

So THAT'S Good!

I've been down in the dumps lately because of our dumpy trees.  Out of 1,630 trees, 645 of them are stressed, having few or no new limbs and small dwarfish leaves.  Like this little pathetic guy.
Our trees are over watered right now and we are experiencing torrential downpours of Biblical proportions.  The roots are black with root rot and the soil down deep smells and is black and charcoal-like.

So THAT'S not good.

But, having heard a little ditty about Abraham Maslow's work on self-actualization, I'm out of my funk.  I know not to focus on the negative.  I know this.  Sometimes its easier said than done.  But this NPR pep-talk was just what I needed to realize that hey!  If my entire orchard dies, then so what?  At least I have this beautiful, amazing little peace of dirt to plant again or plant something else!  The sun shines, the clouds are beautiful, the grass is green, the views are gorgeous, I have a roof over my head, a cozy bed, ponies and chickens and cats and lovely, lovely children and family and I get to live another day to enjoy it all.  Even great farmers kill a plant or tree or two or 600 sometimes.  Well, maybe not 600, but I heard that a big shot farmer killed 100 last year, so that's close, its in the ballpark.  Okay, maybe not, but it happens.

If I kill 600 trees, then I have 1030 trees to focus on . . . so THAT'S good!

-Footnote:  My Aunt and Uncle introduced us to a little funny saying, like people that say, "Its all good," we say, "So THAT'S good."  We say it about everything . . . "Oh, red peppers are on sale!  So THAT'S good."  Its like cheerleading yourself for a better life.  So THAT'S good!

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